German Liberal Cemetery

GLC_flowersSmallThe German Liberal Cemetery is a public, non-denominational cemetery owned and operated by the City of Medina.  Located at 2695 Hamel Road, the one-acre cemetery is situated in a rural setting that overlooks School Lake. Visitors are welcome 365 days a year from sunrise to sunset.

Information regarding the cemetery’s rules, regulations, location and history can be found in the German Liberal Cemetery’s Brochure, within the City’s Code Section 530, and by calling the City of Medina at 763-473-8850.

Current pricing and fees for the cemetery can also be found on the City of Medina’s Fee Schedule page.  If you have any questions, contact Caitlyn Walker at 763-473-8850 or by email at

Memorial Day ServiceGLC_memorialDay

A Memorial Day service is held each year on Memorial Day at 11:40 a.m. with the color guard of the Hamel American Legion participating.