Seasonal road weight restrictions will go into effect in early March.  The City does not issue permits during road weight re-strictions, other than for emergency utility situations. If you are planning a construction project, please ensure that you have your materials delivered prior to the weight re-strictions.

The reason for the restrictions is to protect our roads and to keep the cost of road re-pair down for all taxpayers.  We ask all of our residents and business owners to keep an eye out for large trucks using the roads during the restriction period.  If you see them using a restricted road, please call 9-1-1 and report it.  Help protect your roads!

When will road weight restrictions be lifted?

There are a lot of variables that deter-mine when the signs for the restrictions are posted and when they are taken down, such as:

  • how long the cold weather holds out
  • how fast the frost starts coming out of the ground as the weather starts warming up
  • which vulnerable roads will need to have the restrictions kept on longer than the State, etc.

Please watch this website for up-to-date information on which streets are posted and when those streets get lifted.