
Although the City of Medina does not have any regular public transportation routes such as buses, there are a few transportation options for Medina residents that are listed below.

Transit Link (formerly Dial-A-Ride) serves the seven county metro area and augments regular transit routes in areas that don’t have frequent regular service. Rides can be reserved by calling 651-602-LINK (5465). More information is at

Metro Transit is the transportation resource for the Twin Cities, offering an integrated network of buses, light rail and commuter trains as well as resources for those who carpool, vanpool, walk or bike. There are no Metro Transit stops in Medina, but residents can drive to a number of nearby Park and Ride lots. Visit for more information.

Carpooling.  Metro Transit maintains a list of people who are interested in carpooling. Use their online Matching Tool, enter your commute and see possible carpool partners.

If you carpool to work at least three times per week, you’re eligible for Metro Transit’s Guaranteed Ride Home program in case you have to work late or get home due to an emergency. You also may be eligible for preferred parking and cheaper auto insurance rates! More information can be found here:

Interfaith Outreach Community Partnership (IOCP) has a rides program where volunteers provide rides in their own vehicles to community members in need of getting to medical appointments or adult basic education (at its building).  Community members must live in one of the 8 communities served by IOCP (which includes Medina).

Community members needing transportation, call the transportation line (763) 489-7708 where volunteers will gather information about the needed ride.  The volunteer will then notify our volunteer drivers.  When a driver is able to take the ride, the ride is confirmed with the community member.  They ask for two business days’ notice and do their best to fill the ride.  The more notice they have the better they are able to meet the need. More information can be found here:

Senior Community Services also is able to link seniors with services such as transportation. Call (952) 541-1019 for more information or visit their website at

Comprehensive Guide on Transportation for Seniors by Senior Living:

Road Projects

Highway 55 Corridor Mapping – MnDOT maintains current information on future planning of the Highway 55 Corridor.  More Highway 55 information may also be found through the Highway 55 Corridor Coalition’s website at:

MnDOT Construction Projects, Plans and Studies MnDOT maintains current information on future planning on their website at:  MnDOT.  

Municipal State Aid Roadways

The City of Medina was able to become a Municipal State Aid (MSA) City in 2011 when the State Demographers Office certified the population of Medina had reached 5,000. As part of this process the City can designate 20% of its streets as MSA routes.  The State Aid system will utilize a number of existing collector roadways to create the required east/west and north/south grid through the City. The City is then allocated funding annually based on a formula that involves population and miles of streets within the City. The annual State Aid funding that the City receives can be used to maintain, improve and reconstruct the roads on the City’s MSA routes. Click the link to view Medina’s MSA designated roadways.

Parking Regulations

The City of Medina regulates traffic and parking in the Medina City Code Book. Visit the Parking Regulations Page for details.