The City of Medina regulates traffic and parking in the following sections of the City Code book:
335 Commercial Vehicle Parking
Below are a few common reminders from the code above:
Winter Parking – City Code 340.05 prohibits parking on any public street from November 1st through March 31st during the hours of 1:00 a.m. – 6:00 a.m.
Twelve Hour Parking – City Code 340.03 prohibits parking on any street or highway for more than 12 consecutive hours with a few exceptions noted in the code.
Commercial Vehicle Parking – City Code 335.07 and 335.09 prohibits commercial vehicle parking in urban and rural areas of the city for more than four hours without a permit.
Abatement of Abandoned and Junk Vehicles – City Code 330.07 authorizes the chief of police or designee to take into custody and impound any vehicle described by Section 330.05, subd. 14 including abandoned and junk vehicles.