This year’s Clean-Up Day event is set for Saturday, April 26 from 8:00 to Noon at the Public Works/Police Facility, 600 Clydesdale Trail.  The annual event provides an opportunity for residents to declutter and get rid of certain unwanted items.  While you’re here, grab a packet of milkweed seeds, eat a hotdog, buy a tree.



The workers at the Clean-Up Day event include student and adult volunteers, city staff, elected and appointed officials, and employees of participating businesses.

The event is financially supported by the City Clean-Up Day Fund and payments from attendees.  For more information, contact Medina Public Works at or 763-473-8852.

Hennepin County accepts many of the above materials year-round at its Drop-Off Facilities and various events throughout the year.  Check Hennepin County’s Green Disposal Guide for more local disposal and reuse options.

Hennepin County hosts Hazardous Waste collection events from spring to fall at various locations across the county.  For more information, including a list of accepted items, visit


Seasonal road weight restrictions will go into effect in early March.  The City does not issue permits during road weight re-strictions, other than for emergency utility situations. If you are planning a construction project, please ensure that you have your materials delivered prior to the weight re-strictions.

The reason for the restrictions is to protect our roads and to keep the cost of road re-pair down for all taxpayers.  We ask all of our residents and business owners to keep an eye out for large trucks using the roads during the restriction period.  If you see them using a restricted road, please call 9-1-1 and report it.  Help protect your roads!

When will road weight restrictions be lifted?

There are a lot of variables that deter-mine when the signs for the restrictions are posted and when they are taken down, such as:

  • how long the cold weather holds out
  • how fast the frost starts coming out of the ground as the weather starts warming up
  • which vulnerable roads will need to have the restrictions kept on longer than the State, etc.

Please watch this website for up-to-date information on which streets are posted and when those streets get lifted.

Medina Lake Nature Preserve Grant News

Starting in January 2025, Great River Greening, in conjunction with the City of Medina, began conducting natural resource management activities in Medina Lake Nature Preserve.  You may see and hear machinery as this work occurs.

Invasive species management is being utilized to maintain the health of the forest that has established over the years on this property. This work is part of a larger ecosystem restoration effort to bring back open woodland dominated by native plant and animal species in the City of Medina Park system. Mesic hardwood forest systems are some of the rarest plant communities in Minnesota. These plant communities were here historically and restoring native habitat is important for maintaining our natural heritage.

The main goal is to remove the non-native, invasive shrub buckthorn. This initial work will be occurring in the winter to reduce the impact to the ground, native plants and animals. Most native species are unharmed by the work that will occur. Animals will either take shelter in a ground burrow, high up in a tree, or simply leave the area ahead of the work.  Plants are not actively growing at this time and will regrow in the spring. We will be continuing our efforts in the following years to continue the removal of buckthorn and the establishment of native understory species. Overall, land management helps wildlife by creating better habitat in the long term.

If you have any NON-Emergency questions, concerns, or requests about the work, please contact the project managers below as soon as possible.  Please note that during the work the property may be temporarily closed to the public to maintain safe working conditions.

Evie Moran, Twin Cities Metro Project Manager, Great River Greening –
Steve Scherer, Public Works Director
Lisa DeMars, Public Works Assistant

Funding for this project was provided from the City of Medina as well as the Outdoor Heritage Fund which works to restore, protect, and enhance Minnesota’s wetlands, prairies, forests, and habitat for fish, game, and wildlife. Click here to read an excerpt from the September 3, 2024 meeting where the City Council entered into the grant agreement.

This website will be updated periodically, please check back to learn more about this project!



The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) established the Lead and Copper Rule (LCR) to protect public health and reduce exposure to lead in drinking water.  The most common sources of lead in drinking water are lead pipes and brass or bronze faucets and fixtures.  The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH), as mandated by the EPA, has recently required water systems to maintain and report an inventory of service line materials.

 Medina has completed and submitted our service line materials inventory to the MDH.

The service line inventory is publicly available, and you can check the materials for your service line by visiting the Lead Inventory Tracking Tool (LITT) at  You may also contact us in Public Works at 763-473-8842.

As of 10/18/2024, our inventory contains all non-lead service lines.

Learn more about the lead and copper ruling by visiting the following webpages: